- Feb 24 Fri 2017 08:44
【台灣自由行下載點】2023 文青台中 13景點一日走路行程攻略圖 (共五張)
- Feb 24 Fri 2017 08:44
【台灣自由行下載點】2023最新!台南一日好吃好玩 走路+腳踏車行程攻略圖
- Jan 03 Tue 2017 00:17
- Feb 02 Tue 2016 02:14
【Japan|Wakayama】Introduction about the 十日戎 (えびす)
My earliest impressions of Japan is everyone wearing clothes with the word “祭” and dancing passionately. Most of those impressions are during the summer festival in June to September each year.
But every winter, in the cold January of Japan, in addition to the New Year, there is an important festival in Kansai that you must know is えびす!
- Feb 02 Tue 2016 01:24
【Japan|Wakayama】Guild to Wakayama Castle
The wind and rain during the 300 years of the construction of the castle
I boarded the castle tower and looked down
- Jan 29 Fri 2016 15:47
【Japan|Wakayama】Medetai Train and nearby spots along the railway introduction
- Jan 29 Fri 2016 15:26
【Japan|Wakayama】One day trip in Kada
Go slowly down the street
It's as if the whole town is just me, and the grandma who just passed the bike
- Jan 29 Fri 2016 02:02
【Japan | Wakayama】Guild to Wakayama - 4 days trip in winter (Attractions, food, transportation, schedule, and accommodation) #My Secret Wakayama
Wakayama is located in the southwestern part of the "Kiihanto"(紀伊半島) in Japan. It is also known as "Kansai", like Kyoto, Osaka, Nara, or Hyogo. For me, Wakayama is very suitable for single deep travel. In addition to the famous World Heritage Mount Koya, the oldest open-air hot spring Shirahama, and the Kumano Shrine, you can see the Japanese streets, enjoy the tranquil atmosphere of the city, and the fascinating by the charming fishing village.
- Oct 27 Fri 2000 23:27
【台北】重現記憶中的先賢風範:國史館全新 MR 混合實境 讓典藏中的歷史再現 (涓涓長流 · 芳草綿綿 - 總統副總統文物與褒揚人物史料展)
- Feb 02 Wed 2000 18:00
【SHARP】將瞬間定格成藝術,輕巧相伴的影像旗艦機 AQUOS R9 pro:專業攝影手機推薦 - 搭載 5,030 萬畫素徠卡三鏡頭、高畫質拍照必備