Wakayama is located in the southwestern part of the "Kiihanto"(紀伊半島) in Japan. It is also known as "Kansai", like Kyoto, Osaka, Nara, or Hyogo. For me, Wakayama is very suitable for single deep travel. In addition to the famous World Heritage Mount Koya, the oldest open-air hot spring Shirahama, and the Kumano Shrine, you can see the Japanese streets, enjoy the tranquil atmosphere of the city, and the fascinating by the charming fishing village.
- Jan 29 Fri 2016 02:02
【Japan | Wakayama】Guild to Wakayama - 4 days trip in winter (Attractions, food, transportation, schedule, and accommodation) #My Secret Wakayama
- Dec 04 Mon 2000 17:38
【桃園|大溪】踏尋歌后足跡 來場跨界的餐桌饗宴:鳳飛大溪 - 餐桌行動 & 小鎮走讀|用創意在地美食與深度歷史導覽 感受一代歌后鳳飛飛的傳奇人生
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【日本|宮城】徜徉草原與酪農的純淨:藏王町旅遊指南 - 宮城縣近郊一日遊路線 & 溫泉旅館推薦|遠刈田溫泉鄉. 藏王起司小屋. 山彥大吊橋. 長老湖
- Nov 12 Sun 2000 00:00
【日本|宮城】裊裊蒸煙中的別緻小鎮:鳴子溫泉鄉 - 近郊大崎市旅遊指南 精選 10 個景點. 美食. 溫泉旅館推薦|大崎市:因為溫泉而名聞名的城市
- Oct 27 Fri 2000 23:27
【台北】重現記憶中的先賢風範:國史館全新 MR 混合實境 讓典藏中的歷史再現 (涓涓長流 · 芳草綿綿 - 總統副總統文物與褒揚人物史料展)